Showtime's Tony Cox Episodic Screenplay Finalist!
The Nantucket Film Festival named me one of three finalists for Showtime’s Tony Cox Episodic Screenplay Competition. I am so thrilled to be a finalist. The pilot I submitted, Watch Out Gals!, is one that has a lot of problems! I kept re-working it for about eight months, until, exhausted, I gave up on it and sent it out in its current form. It’s funny, because a few pilots before this one, I wrote the script that won me the MINY Writers Room Fellowship, and I got SUCH great feedback on that from everyone, and NO good feedback on this one. People don’t like it! But it also has a female protagonist struggling with feminism! What I’m trying to say here is…send your stuff out! Don’t worry about! The lesson I’m taking from this, or rather the thing I am re-affirming from this, is to write write write and show people your stuff. Get it out there. Keep going. Take notes, BUT- you have no idea why certain things do or don’t connect with certain people. It’s why I LOVE Shrill but one of my good friends doesn’t. So you might as well put your stuff out there. Yes! Let’s do it!